Drunk Ex-Pastors

We begin this episode by waxing nostalgic about Harry Potter and mocking Marvel Universe movies. We then hear from a caller commenting on last episode’s topic of mid-life crises, and then weigh in on the latest example of faux-outrage concerning how sexy M&Ms used to be and now we barely want to bang them (could it be that keeping us all divided over BS is to distract us from being constantly raped and pillaged by the billionaire class?). We decide to give meditation a shot, and then share biebers involving supermarkets and booking trips online.

Direct download: 2022_01_29_0382.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm PDT

In this episode of DXP we springboard from the term “discography” into a discussion of the  fast-moving nature of tech. We recount what is perhaps the coolest fight we’ve ever had with each other (and it just happened the other day!), and then spend the second half of the show discussing depression, mid-life crises, and the looming threat of death. Biebers involve scales and clothes.

Direct download: 2022_01_13_0381.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm PDT

In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors we spend the bulk of the show looking back at 2021 and discussing our personal highs and lows throughout the year, from ER visits to restaurant openings, and everything in between. We talk (and somewhat disagree) about COVID vaccine mandates, and then share biebers involving car chases and furnaces.

Direct download: 2022_01_05_0380.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm PDT

We begin this episode with a discussion of the new film The Green Knight (we’ll let you guess which one of us has and has not seen it). We tease a voicemail about the highs and lows of 2021, which we will answer in more detail next week. We hear from a caller about the challenges of parenting, from which we springboard into a discussion of whether there’s any hope at all for kids these days. Another caller shares his own plans to leave the ministry, and then we share biebers involving boxes and undershirts.

Direct download: 2021_12_30_0379.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm PDT