Drunk Ex-Pastors

In a special throwback episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors, we revisit one of our listeners’ favorite segments, “Dick Move, God.” Join us as we transport ourselves back into some of the Bible’s more obscure stories and discover just how effed up the ramifications of God’s treatment of his people actually were. With loving Saviors like this….

Direct download: 2018_10_28_0225.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:58pm PDT

In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors we are asked by a caller about our parenting strategies during this #MeToo moment, and we take the opportunity to springboard into some broader, relationship-type topics. We take another call about our views of the enneagram personality test and whether it’s just some Christian Meyers-Briggs kind of thing. We suggest actually taking the enneagram test and each divulging the other’s results on air (but we will probably forget). Biebers involve GPS and email lists.

Direct download: 2018_10_21_0224.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:58pm PDT

In episode #223 of DXP we are asked by a caller about whether we are comfortable calling one another out on our annoying issues (which is silly, because we’re both totally normal, well-adjusted people). After discussing relationships a bit we are asked about how comfortable we are with discussing sexual assault with out daughters. We then turn our discussion to the issue of consciousness and the human brain, which leads into all kinds of deep mystical crap. Biebers involve salsa and Internet access.

Direct download: 2018_10_12_0223.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:06pm PDT

DXP #222 begins with our first ever attempt to call someone back because their voicemail was so confusing (the conversation that ensued was just a tad awkward). We discuss whether it’s still worthwhile to send kids to college, and take another call from a listener who can teach the rest of you a thing or two about using your allotted voicemail time efficiently. We then lament the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, disagreeing slightly over just how nihilistic and hopeless we should let ourselves become.

Direct download: 2018_10_06_0222.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm PDT

DXP #221 begins with a call from our (presumably) only Trump-voting listener, after which we discuss the new Netflix series, The First. We hear from our very first patron, and then discuss how much money we would bargain our souls for (unsurprisingly, Jason’s is on sale for quite cheap). After the break we discuss the Kavanaugh nomination (but since this episode was recorded a week ago our remarks will be somewhat outdated since news travels so fast these days). But either way, the dude is super shady.

Direct download: 2018_09_22_0221.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:37am PDT