Drunk Ex-Pastors

DXP returns this week, and turns out we have a crap-ton of voicemails stacked up. We take calls (without having screened them first) about topics like why we’re so cold all the time, whether people are psychopaths by nature or through nurture, and what divine comfort really looks like. Christian’s “Feeding Friendsy” segment returns, which causes Jason to discover that he “has no problem with Hitler.” Biebers involve Family Ties and public transport etiquette.

Direct download: 2018_03_24_0194.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:59pm PDT

This week’s episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors will take you on a walk down Memory Lane as we revisit a handful of our earliest biebers. Tune in and be reminded how annoyed we get at everything from football to death, progress to banks. And anyone remember that we used to violate all kinds of copyright laws with our musical outros?

Direct download: 2018_03_18_0193.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm PDT

Episode #192 of Drunk Ex-Pastors begins with a voicemail from someone presuming to challenge Christian’s desire to go to prison, after which the conversation takes what Jason feels is a quite disturbing turn. We discuss Jackie Chan for some reason, and then take a call about the challenge of applying religion to child-raising. We quench the Holy Spirit by mocking certain types of miracles, and then get into a discussion about Hollywood, the Oscars, and race. Biebers involve Alexa and dead people.

Direct download: 2018_03_07_0192.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:52pm PDT

Episode #191 of DXP begins with a solemn reminder of the death of an American icon, after which we give some advice concerning movie trailer protocol. We defend our position on comic book films, chat briefly about Christian’s obsession with guns, and then answer a question about whether God is a factor for us in overcoming difficulty and trauma. Biebers involve stacks of cash and whether Jason’s girlfriend should leave him for Ryan Gosling (she totally should).

Direct download: 2018_03_03_0191.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:52pm PDT