Sun, 30 December 2018
In this episode #234 of Drunk Ex-Pastors we are challenged by a caller to evaluate our own prejudices concerning people who live in apartments and drink grape soda, after which we chat with author Mark Gober about his new book, An End to Upside-Down Thinking. We explore topics like whether we are really nothing more than our physical, material selves, and what “paranormal” phenomena like ESP, remote viewing, and telepathy have to say about this issue. Biebers involve pumping and left hands. |
Sun, 23 December 2018
In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors we chat with Cass Midgley, a former youth pastor and current host of the “Everyone’s Agnostic” podcast. We discuss issues such as the doctrine of eternal torment in the lake of fire and why such an idea might be a tad destructive (apparently being dangled over the yawning chasm of hell is not the healthiest feeling. Who knew?). |
Sun, 16 December 2018
In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors we basically ditch our entire outline in order to address a couple listeners’ questions: What would our lives look like now if we had never left our former church (and do we feel regret over the decision at all?) Another caller leaves a voicemail simply to ask how we are doing on a personal level, to which we respond by getting all vulnerable or whatever. Biebers involve computer monitors and online news sites. |
Sun, 9 December 2018
In this episode of DXP we discuss a recent study whose findings show that men who suffer from issues with their hairlines and/or wieners are more likely to support Donald Trump. This leads to a discussion of toxic masculinity and Christian dominionism more generally. We weigh in on journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder and Trump’s non-response, and then move on to biebers involving check-out lines and second-guessing technology. |
Sun, 2 December 2018
This episode of DXP begins with a plea for one of our favorite listeners to recognize his own greatness. We then hear from someone who poses the question of whether people can be genuinely good people as well as supporters of Donald Trump (a true moral dilemma if there ever were one). We revisit drug legalization, and then launch into a discussion about John Chau’s death and about martyrdom in general (like, did those “savages” really need salvation in the first place?). Biebers involve apps and bagging. |
Sun, 25 November 2018
DXP #229 begins with perhaps the most empty threat ever (it comes from Canada, so), and we then consider a listener’s opinion that we are unfit for public office. We revisit drug legalization, as well as hear from a caller who will never again listen to us while at a drive-thru. We discuss the responsibilities, if any, social media platforms like Facebook have to stop hate speech, and then muse about whether we are white- or blue-collar people. Biebers involve fake “sales” and texting. |
Sun, 18 November 2018
DXP #228 begins with a voicemail from none other than “Hot Todd” himself, after which we respond to a caller’s question about whether having kids is really a good idea given how crap everything is these days. We address whether it is inconsistent to want stricter gun controls while also advocating for the decriminalization of all drugs. We mull over the prospect of running for public office (guess which one of us only wants the VP job?), after which we share our biebers about crosswalks and blue jeans. |
Sun, 11 November 2018
DXP #227 begins with a message for “Hot Todd,” after which we respond to a follow-up question about relationships and personal change. We then learn from President Trump that, as it turns out, Stephen Colbert really does respect him after all. We consider a warning from Fox News about leftist violence, and then turn our attention to the issue of whether the world is better or worse than it used to be. Biebers involve online forms and gas pumps. |
Sun, 4 November 2018
We begin episode #226 by debriefing about our recent DXP BBQ in SoCal in order to make those who couldn’t come super jealous. Christian is forced to clarify his problem with hard-shell tacos (is it time to switch to tostadas?), after which we address whether it is wise to begin a relationship with the intent of changing the other person. We then discuss what practical effect, if any, the knowledge that the world is about to end would have upon our lives. Biebers involve shower handles and photo captions. |
Sun, 28 October 2018
In a special throwback episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors, we revisit one of our listeners’ favorite segments, “Dick Move, God.” Join us as we transport ourselves back into some of the Bible’s more obscure stories and discover just how effed up the ramifications of God’s treatment of his people actually were. With loving Saviors like this…. |
Sun, 21 October 2018
In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors we are asked by a caller about our parenting strategies during this #MeToo moment, and we take the opportunity to springboard into some broader, relationship-type topics. We take another call about our views of the enneagram personality test and whether it’s just some Christian Meyers-Briggs kind of thing. We suggest actually taking the enneagram test and each divulging the other’s results on air (but we will probably forget). Biebers involve GPS and email lists. |
Sun, 14 October 2018
In episode #223 of DXP we are asked by a caller about whether we are comfortable calling one another out on our annoying issues (which is silly, because we’re both totally normal, well-adjusted people). After discussing relationships a bit we are asked about how comfortable we are with discussing sexual assault with out daughters. We then turn our discussion to the issue of consciousness and the human brain, which leads into all kinds of deep mystical crap. Biebers involve salsa and Internet access. |
Sun, 7 October 2018
DXP #222 begins with our first ever attempt to call someone back because their voicemail was so confusing (the conversation that ensued was just a tad awkward). We discuss whether it’s still worthwhile to send kids to college, and take another call from a listener who can teach the rest of you a thing or two about using your allotted voicemail time efficiently. We then lament the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, disagreeing slightly over just how nihilistic and hopeless we should let ourselves become. |
Mon, 1 October 2018
DXP #221 begins with a call from our (presumably) only Trump-voting listener, after which we discuss the new Netflix series, The First. We hear from our very first patron, and then discuss how much money we would bargain our souls for (unsurprisingly, Jason’s is on sale for quite cheap). After the break we discuss the Kavanaugh nomination (but since this episode was recorded a week ago our remarks will be somewhat outdated since news travels so fast these days). But either way, the dude is super shady. |
Sun, 23 September 2018
DXP #220 begins with a solemn voicemail from one of our most beloved characters. We then find ourselves getting rebuked for ignoring a listener’s question last week and talking about something else instead (which we are wont to do). We discuss the issue of body shaming and whether it’s wrong when Trump is the target (we’re cool with it), after which we address another listener’s question about whether he is spiritual or religious. We end the show discussing Chris Mooney’s book “The Republican Brain.” |
Sun, 16 September 2018
DXP #219 represents what happens when we don’t have a whole lot of topics to address and instead just shoot the shit for a couple hours. We begin the show with a voicemail from a real-life Trump voter, which leads to a discussion of the recent Manafort plea and a foray into the world of FoxNews. Jason tells a story about his new job, and we get some marketing tips from another listener. Biebers involve hotel feng shui and afterschool pick-up lines. |
Sun, 9 September 2018
Episode #218 begins with a new and potentially hilarious job prospect for Jason, after which we take a voicemail about the process of changing one’s mind (is it instantaneous or a process? Are certain types of people more averse to change than others?). We discuss the controversy surrounding Nike’s new ad campaign, and then take another call about whether it is necessary to root our good deeds in some religion or another. Biebers involve mobile devices and driving habits. |
Sun, 2 September 2018
DXP #217 opens with a voicemail from Dick Bush about a new job prospect. We then hear from another caller challenging our position on racist jokes and on whether Trump supporters are themselves on the racism spectrum. We take a question from a new patron and self-proclaimed “worst Texan ever” about the #MeToo movement, and then discuss a recent study about how most people attempt to date “out of their league” (also, men are super shallow apparently). Biebers involve spouse-sharing and parking garages. |
Sun, 26 August 2018
Episode #216 of DXP begins with a voicemail for the one of us who “has a real job.” We then talk a bit about future president Michael Avenatti, after which we play a voicemail about the film BlacKkKlansman. We spend some time breaking down the Asia Argento scandal and discuss what its ramifications are, if any, for the MeToo movement. This leads to a discussion about sexual abuse and power more generally, as well as whether gender is relevant. Biebers involve airports and axes. |
Sun, 19 August 2018
We begin episode #215 of DXP with a voicemail from the wife of one of our most famous listeners. We then discuss the issue of race, and the new film BlacKkKlansman in particular. We spend a little while engaging in potty talk (literally), and then devote the bulk of the episode discussing the recent abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. Biebers involve salt and horrible neighbors (what’s the deal, is it a race thing? A political thing? A socio-economic issue? Why are Jason’s neighbors so awful?). |
Sun, 12 August 2018
In DXP #214 we take a call from a listener who foolishly expects Jason to reconcile something he said in one episode with something he said in another (we don’t like being accountable for stuff). We discuss whether people are truly able to change, and then take up the issue of the various bases of discrimination (as in, can a diner refuse to serve mixed-race couples? Men in MAGA hats?). After following a rabbit trail about the Bible and the gays we share our biebers, which involve boats and elevators. |
Sun, 5 August 2018
In this episode of DXP we discuss the conservative mindset in general and Christian’s recent date with a Trump-supporter in particular, seeking to understand the never-ending layers of conspiracy theories and confirmation bias. We address the issue of social media scrutiny as it applies to director James Gunn, and then hear from atheist Christopher Hitchens on the dangers of Christianity (which sparks a sharp disagreement among us). Biebers involve unoriginal music and unhelpful encouragement. |
Sun, 29 July 2018
In this special episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors we welcome into the studio none other than the legend himself, Dick Bush (played by longtime DXP listener Chad Toney). Before the interview (which airs in the second half of the show), Jason and Christian discuss the various strongly-worded letters they have written to establishments that angered them, as well as answer a listener’s question about Satan’s agenda. Biebers involve aggressive drivers and annoying technology. |
Sun, 22 July 2018
In this episode of DXP we are challenged by a listener about our dismissal Of “Space Force,” after which we spend some time discussing “Drag Queen Story Hour” (which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like), wondering aloud whether we’d feel comfortable having our kids read to by crossdressers. We hear from one of our favorite callers, after which Feeding Friendsy returns and tackles the thorny issue of free speech on Facebook. Biebers involve fruit and things we just shouldn’t have anymore. |
Sun, 15 July 2018
In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors we begin by shooting the breeze as usual, after which we discuss the issue of localism (as in, is it okay to hate newcomers to our communities for being new, or do we have to hate them for some other reason?). We then turn our attention, again, to the issue of relationships, discussing whether it is truly possible to redeem our past heartbreaks rather than seeing ourselves as simply damaged beyond repair. Bieber involve pizza and granola bars. |
Sun, 8 July 2018
We begin episode #209 with a voicemail about how to pronounce things from a listener who comes from, ironically enough, Texas. We then hear from another caller who questions our judgment regarding talking about Chloe’s sex life in a public forum (she’s fine with it), after which we revisit the topic of sex and relationships. We visit a Trump rally and debate the issue of making space great again, after which we close with biebers about soccer (no, this one is not Jason’s) and bogus social media platforms. |
Sun, 1 July 2018
Episode #208 of DXP begins with a surprising voicemail during which we receive some important legal information. We then get into the fourth-of-July spirit by discussing the TV show 24 and how Jack Bauer is basically a war criminal who deserved all the tragedy he got. We spend the bulk of the episode talking about sex, and specifically how much detail we want our kids to go into when discussing their private lives with us. Biebers involve women’s dating expectations and the way old people pronounce things. |
Sun, 24 June 2018
This episode of DXP begins with a caller doing his best “I can’t quit you” impression from that one gay cowboy movie, after which Jason tells about his near-death experience and the revenge he hopes to exact upon the perpetrator. We discuss the FLILF’s recent wardrobe choice, revisit the Chris Hardwick situation, and then take caller’s question about “paper abortion” which, apparently, is a thing. Biebers involve car fires and sunshine. |
Sun, 17 June 2018
Episode #206 of DXP begins with a couple rather odd voicemails, after which we discuss the departure from social media of Kelly Marie Tran after committing the crime of ruining everyone’s childhood. We then address the recent allegations of emotional and sexual abuse against Chris Hardwick by his former girlfriend, Chloe Dykstra. We take a call about whether the Rosanne- and NFL issues are at all similar, after which we hear Trump acting like a dictator. Biebers involve bacon and cheerios. |
Sun, 10 June 2018
We begin this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors by discussing rape for some reason. We spend some time addressing the death of Anthony Bourdain, as well as suicide more broadly, tackling issues like mental health, the pressure of celebrity status, and whether we should avoid our sense of emptiness or embrace it. We then talk a bit about the show Vikings (which has Jason puzzled beyond belief). Biebers involve convenient parking and men’s hairstyles. |
Sun, 3 June 2018
This episode of DXP begins with a caller asking one of the most flattering questions a Christian could ever hope for. We then relay a story about texting and driving (which apparently is just fine under the right circumstances), after which we discuss Roseanne Barr, Samantha Bee, and Hollywood in general. Our biebers focus on unnecessarily confusing timelines and why being full-figured is a problem for Jason. |
Sun, 27 May 2018
We begin DXP #203 with a harrowing tale involving mysterious sounds and eventual death, and then attempt to provide a free tutorial on how to leave a voicemail. We discuss the looming conservative boycott of Netflix over former President Blackenstein’s new deal with the network, and then delve into the frightening world of that one Mexican gang from Honduras that no one’s ever heard of. We address the NFL anthem response and then move on to Biebers involving stupid expressions and winning arguments. |
Sun, 20 May 2018
In this episode of DXP we address Fox News’s Jeanine Pirro and her praise of Donald Trump’s moving of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, which leads to a discussion about Israel’s recent killing of 60 protesters in Gaza. We tackle the issue of liberal censorship (as in, should Spotify ban artists simply because they pee on their sex slaves?), and then talk about whether people should be fired for praying at work. Biebers involve podcast intros and garbage. |
Sun, 13 May 2018
In this episode of DXP we get a congratulatory call from one of our favorite listeners whose question nearly dredges up some angry feelings. We reveal how irritable Jason is and how sensitive to this Christian is. We revisit our so-called fat-shaming from last episode, and take another call about why God only gets the credit for good things that happen without ever getting blamed for the bad. Biebers involve parking garages and chores. Also, if Gun & Roses ever needs to replace Axl, Jason is ready to go. |
Sun, 6 May 2018
Can you believe we’ve done 200 of these things? In this episode we look back at how our lives have changed in the four years since we began this crazy project, as well as look ahead to determine just how long we can keep this thing going. We discuss whether comics get a pass for being politically incorrect, as well as break down a study that suggests that what you’re prejudiced against indicates how smart you are. But in all honesty, after doing an extra celebratory shot of Patron it’s all kind of a blur. |
Sun, 29 April 2018
Episode #199 of Drunk Ex-Pastors explores the issue of why, when discussing Hollywood’s “liberal elite,” we are told that celebrities are idiots and their political opinions should be discounted, but then conservatives will cream themselves over Kanye West and Ted Nugent. We talk about the recent revelations concerning Sean Hannity, and end the show with biebers about spreadsheets and windshields. |
Sun, 22 April 2018
Episode #198 of Drunk Ex-Pastors begins with the opening of a listener’s gift (one guess what it contains), after which we offer our final comments (we promise) about the whole rocks-in-the-classroom idea. It’s not our fault, we swear—You people keep bringing it up. We hear a voicemail from a listener who is in distress about the state of his soul, which occasions a lengthy therapy session about the issue of crucifying the god who hates us. Biebers involve waist size and getting shot. |
Sun, 15 April 2018
DXP #197 delves into some heavy territory. After yet another caller challenges our proposal to arm schoolchildren with rocks we discuss death and whether we are personally and professionally ready for it. We “pre-brief” a bit about our upcoming interview with scholar Bart Ehrman, leading to a discussion about (if Jesus never rose from the dead) what exactly happened to precipitate the emergence and eventual empire-wide conquest of Christianity. Biebers involve email chains and the apocalypse. |
Mon, 9 April 2018
Episode #196 of DXP begins with Christian being challenged about his Old-Testament solution to school shootings as well as his douchey vacuuming practices. We then turn our attention to ‘80s icon Molly Ringwald’s recent piece in the New Yorker in which she revisits her prior films in the light of the #MeToo movement (turns out they’re fine). We discuss NRA member Ted Nugent’s recent remarks about the Parkland students’ protests, and biebers involve food ratios and servers who need to speak up. |
Sun, 1 April 2018
On DXP #195 we debrief together about the state of Christian’s new heart (what is A-Fib anyway? Can’t be too serious, right?). We also discuss the issue of community, and whether it is possible to truly have one in a post-church setting (we’re pretty sure the Elks Club isn’t taking new members). Our “Feeding Friendsy” segment reveals that there’s such a thing as a Triple Strawman, and biebers involve Costco and stupid kids these days. |
Sun, 25 March 2018
DXP returns this week, and turns out we have a crap-ton of voicemails stacked up. We take calls (without having screened them first) about topics like why we’re so cold all the time, whether people are psychopaths by nature or through nurture, and what divine comfort really looks like. Christian’s “Feeding Friendsy” segment returns, which causes Jason to discover that he “has no problem with Hitler.” Biebers involve Family Ties and public transport etiquette. |
Sun, 18 March 2018
This week’s episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors will take you on a walk down Memory Lane as we revisit a handful of our earliest biebers. Tune in and be reminded how annoyed we get at everything from football to death, progress to banks. And anyone remember that we used to violate all kinds of copyright laws with our musical outros? |
Sun, 11 March 2018
Episode #192 of Drunk Ex-Pastors begins with a voicemail from someone presuming to challenge Christian’s desire to go to prison, after which the conversation takes what Jason feels is a quite disturbing turn. We discuss Jackie Chan for some reason, and then take a call about the challenge of applying religion to child-raising. We quench the Holy Spirit by mocking certain types of miracles, and then get into a discussion about Hollywood, the Oscars, and race. Biebers involve Alexa and dead people. |
Sun, 4 March 2018
Episode #191 of DXP begins with a solemn reminder of the death of an American icon, after which we give some advice concerning movie trailer protocol. We defend our position on comic book films, chat briefly about Christian’s obsession with guns, and then answer a question about whether God is a factor for us in overcoming difficulty and trauma. Biebers involve stacks of cash and whether Jason’s girlfriend should leave him for Ryan Gosling (she totally should). |
Sun, 25 February 2018
Episode #190 of DXP begins with a call to prayer for Jesus’ servant, President Trump. We discuss the intrepid Florida legislature’s recent gun-control measures (oops, we mean porn-control measures), after which we dig deep into the minds of flat-earthers and other conspiracy theorists. Christian reinforces Jason’s biases against Black Panther, and biebers involve outdated tools and junk mail. Also, one of us is now either gay or merely attracted to men. |
Sun, 18 February 2018
DXP #189 begins so mesmerizingly that your humble hosts forgot to say the Introduction (again). We discuss the fake Russia indictments that the fake news reports were handed down by the head of the fake investigation into Trump, after which we turn our attention to Mexico’s path to drug legalization. We weigh in on the recent school shooting in Florida, during which Jason shares his comprehensive gun-law plan that he thought of in the shower the other day. Biebers involve finger-food and pee. |
Mon, 12 February 2018
Episode #188 of Drunk Ex-Pastors begins with our revisiting some recently-discussed topics—we play a voicemail about the punishing of criminals, as well as one about pornography. We also welcome into the studio Marta, a close friend whose own journey led her to pursue sobriety a few years ago, and what better way to learn about this than to ask her questions about it while we drink whiskey? Biebers involve what to do with your hands during urination, and why Jesus wants to kill Jason. |
Mon, 5 February 2018
DXP #187 starts with Christian making fun of Jason for being old and grumpy, after which we discuss the issue of tipping restaurant workers and whether the practice should be perpetuated. We get a bit of push-back on our comments about Aziz Ansari, leading to a discussion about how severely a society should over-correct its mistakes, and then we talk about whether the death penalty actually lets some criminals off too easily. Lastly, biebers include putting stuff in your mouth and too much squealing. |
Sun, 28 January 2018
#186 of DXP begins with a caller criticizing Jason, but we honestly have no idea what the guy is talking about. We discuss our favorite TV shows and films (and if you’re not willing to watch The Wire after this, then there just may be no helping you). We address the Aziz Ansari controversy, and spit some truth y’all bitches may not like no-how (damn, now we’re even talking like the people on The Wire!). After discussing the recent “Monkey Ad” by H&M we move to biebers, which involve showers and traffic. |
Sun, 21 January 2018
DXP #185 begins with a quick look at Pornhub’s Hawaiian stats during and after the missile scare, after which we are encouraged by a listener to be bigger trolls. We discuss our recent attempts to land the Biebs as a guest, and then take a call about whether having a positive attitude matters. We talk about atheist Penn Gillette’s recent appearance on HBO’s Crashing, weigh in on the now-infamous “bad date” with Aziz Ansari, and biebers involve comics and stools. |
Sun, 14 January 2018
DXP #184 is a special flashback episode where we walk down Memory Lane and replay our first 10 biebers (which, in case you forgot, refers to small things that annoy us greatly). Enjoy the nostalgia, and be thankful that our sound quality has improved and doesn't suck as much as this kid's music does. Spread the word! |
Sun, 7 January 2018
DXP #183 includes everything from celebrity death predictions to a discussion of the role of God, if any, in Christian’s “miraculously” healed heart. We read an email we received from a faith-based marketing firm and respond on the air, and then discuss whether society cedes too much significance to media. We spend the bulk of the episode in a therapy session of sorts, evaluating the popular idea that what we put out into the Universe is bound to come back to us. Biebers involve trash and dishwashers. |
Sun, 31 December 2017
DXP #182 begins with our last ever plug for our upcoming cruise, after which Jason receives some very helpful advice from a Mexican about—what else?—nachos. We then discuss the male struggle with body dysmorphia and how hard it is for men to live up to society’s unrealistic physical standards. We talk about some recent films we have seen, and then launch a brand new segment titled “Dispatches from the Crazy Train.” Biebers involve software notifications and YouTube. |