Drunk Ex-Pastors

#186 of DXP begins with a caller criticizing Jason, but we honestly have no idea what the guy is talking about. We discuss our favorite TV shows and films (and if you’re not willing to watch The Wire after this, then there just may be no helping you). We address the Aziz Ansari controversy, and spit some truth y’all bitches may not like no-how (damn, now we’re even talking like the people on The Wire!). After discussing the recent “Monkey Ad” by H&M we move to biebers, which involve showers and traffic.

Direct download: 2018_01_26_0186.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm PDT

DXP #185 begins with a quick look at Pornhub’s Hawaiian stats during and after the missile scare, after which we are encouraged by a listener to be bigger trolls. We discuss our recent attempts to land the Biebs as a guest, and then take a call about whether having a positive attitude matters. We talk about atheist Penn Gillette’s recent appearance on HBO’s Crashing, weigh in on the now-infamous “bad date” with Aziz Ansari, and biebers involve comics and stools.

Direct download: 2018_01_20_0185.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:24pm PDT

DXP #184 is a special flashback episode where we walk down Memory Lane and replay our first 10 biebers (which, in case you forgot, refers to small things that annoy us greatly). Enjoy the nostalgia, and be thankful that our sound quality has improved and doesn't suck as much as this kid's music does. Spread the word!

Direct download: 2018_01_14_0184.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:13pm PDT

DXP #183 includes everything from celebrity death predictions to a discussion of the role of God, if any, in Christian’s “miraculously” healed heart. We read an email we received from a faith-based marketing firm and respond on the air, and then discuss whether society cedes too much significance to media. We spend the bulk of the episode in a therapy session of sorts, evaluating the popular idea that what we put out into the Universe is bound to come back to us. Biebers involve trash and dishwashers.

Direct download: 2018_01_03_0183.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:41am PDT

DXP #182 begins with our last ever plug for our upcoming cruise, after which Jason receives some very helpful advice from a Mexican about—what else?—nachos. We then discuss the male struggle with body dysmorphia and how hard it is for men to live up to society’s unrealistic physical standards. We talk about some recent films we have seen, and then launch a brand new segment titled “Dispatches from the Crazy Train.” Biebers involve software notifications and YouTube.

Direct download: 2017_12_30_0182.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:22pm PDT