Mon, 25 December 2017
Our Christmas episode begins with the topic of burritos (obviously), after which we hear from 1/3 of our South African audience. We discuss The Last Jedi and the Star Wars franchise in general, reflecting on whether it is even possible to evaluate these films objectively. We turn our attention to the topic of death for a few moments, and then weigh in on Trump’s Middle East policy and what the Bible has to say about it (turns out the Bible thinks he’s a moron). Biebers involve car doors and IT people. |
Sun, 17 December 2017
Episode #180 of DXP begins, we think, with a voicemail about how cold it is in our basement studio, but to be honest we were so cold we were barely paying attention. We hear from another listener about Christian’s (allegedly) inebriated condition during our last episode, and another about the use of alcohol among Bible-thumpers. We briefly touch upon Net Neutrality, and Jason receives some pushback about one of his previous biebers. Speaking of which, they’re about shooting stuff and burritos. |
Sun, 10 December 2017
We begin DXP #179 by covering our bases and reading the sexual assault waiver that everyone going on the cruise will be forced to sign, after which we clear things up for our Patrons and Jason gets some feedback on his new podcast. We discuss the resignation of Al Franken and whether VP Mike Pence has been onto something all along, and then take a call about the role of Christians in politics (#TheologyNerdAlert). Biebers follow, focusing on release dates and getting wet. |
Sun, 3 December 2017
Episode #178 of DXP begins with an example of fearless evangelism, after which your humble hosts weigh in on yet another topic about which we know very little: ADHD and the use of prescription meds in general. We meet Sophia, who may be artificial but is not intelligent, and then briefly discuss the new GOP tax bill. Christian shares some penetrating analysis from 1993 about the southern Californian church landscape, and biebers touch upon 12-packs and pizza. |