Drunk Ex-Pastors

In this episode of DXP we talk a bit about the FX series Devs, which leads us into a discussion about the future of tech and whether something is more possible if Hollywood makes a show or movie about it. We discuss the potential impact of psychedelics on society in general and atheists in particular, after which we touch upon the nature of hypocrisy and intellectual growth. Biebers involve “family” and poor online arguing skills.

Direct download: 2020_05_24_0302.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55pm PDT

In this episode of Drunk Ex-Pastors we chat with ex-Christian punker Ojo Taylor about his experience in the ministry, his band Undercover, and his more recent spiritual deconstruction. Biebers involve elevators and media mispronunciations. Follow Ojo on his blog at ojotaylor.com and on Twitter @ojotaylor! Photo of Ojo by Rich Brimer.

Direct download: 2020_05_10_0301.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:19pm PDT


We begin our 300th episode of DXP with a suggestion  for how we might be able to reintroduce the word “retarded” to the cultural lexicon, after which we give updates on how we’re holding up under quarantine. We discuss what effect, if any, one’s religion has on whether he believes in conspiracy theories, and then touch upon the issues of consciousness, humanity, and free will. We spend the bulk of the second half of the show discussing whether progressive activists are alarmist, and then turn to our biebers involving needless repetition and how strong the tongue is.

Direct download: 2020_05_03_0300.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:20pm PDT