Drunk Ex-Pastors

In DXP #242 we debrief a bit about the cruise we just took, after which we hear some pushback we got for being so dishonest (this leads into a discussion about media bias on the left and the right). We discuss a recent hotel-related documentary we watched, prompting a chat about the virtue of wealth. We then spend a fair bit of time fielding the objections we have heard about whether or not scientific materialism is “beautiful” (long-time listeners will appreciate the role-reversal in this discussion).            

Direct download: 2019_02_20_0242.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm PDT

In episode #241 of Drunk Ex-Pastors we talk a bit about Bruce Sanguin’s book, Dismantled, discussing the issue of psychedelics and spirituality (prompting an aside about whether Jason has ever really had any true childhood trauma). We take calls from listeners about healthcare and whether minimum wage laws are a good thing, and then turn to our biebers, which are admittedly incredibly “first world” (going on Caribbean cruises can be very challenging).           

Direct download: 2019_02_06_0241.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm PDT

In this episode of DXP we talk a bit about the various films nominated for Best Picture (one of us has committed to watch them all before the event, the other hasn’t heard of any of them. We’ll let you guess who’s who). We take a dive into the conservative psyche and discuss whether it’s true that there are crazy zealots “on both sides” (it’s not). Before turning to our biebers—which involve truancy and a certain social media platform—we debate whether life without any afterlife can truly be meaningful.          

Direct download: 2019_02_01_0240.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm PDT

Episode #239 of DXP begins with a caller’s lament over our relative happiness, after which we take another listener’s question about the degree (if any) to which we experience “white guilt.” We discuss the communal aspect of sports and whether they are a positive part of society or a mere distraction from what matters. Biebers involve doctors and games that supposedly showcase our vocabularies.         

Direct download: 2019_01_28_0239.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:51pm PDT